Prof. Manos M. Tentzeris
Ed and Pat Joy Chair in Antennas
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
etentze (at) ece (dot) gatech (dot) edu
Personal website
Professor Emmanouil (Manos) M. Tentzeris was born and grew up in Piraeus, Greece. He graduated from Ionidios Model School of Piraeus in 1987 and received the Diploma (Suma Cum Laude) from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece in 1992 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering andComputer Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1993 and1998, respectively.
Graduate Students

Kexin Hu
Ph.D. Student
khu63 (at) gatech (dot) edu

Lauryn Smith
Ph.D. Student
lsmith388 (at) gatech (dot) edu
Lauryn is a third-year PhD student. She received her B.S. (2018) and M.S. (2020) in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her research interests include antenna design, origami/reconfigurable antennas, RFID and energy harvesting. LinkedIn

Genaro Soto Valle
Ph.D. Student
genarosva (at) gatech (dot) edu
Genaro is a third-year Ph.D. student who received his B.S. in Nanotechnology from the National University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2020. His research interests focus on the use of nanomaterials in printed electronics for wireless sensing, RFID tags and mmWave applications. Some of his hobbies include hiking, drawing, and philosophy. LinkedIn

I-Ting Chen
Ph.D. Student
ichen64 (at) gatech (dot) edu
I-Ting is a third-year Ph.D. student. She received her B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Purdue University in 2020. Her research interests focus on energy harvesting/wireless power transfer, reconfigurable intelligence surfaces, and rectifier designs. She enjoys outdoor activities in her free time such as rowing and hiking. LinkedIn

Will Callis
Ph.D. Student
tcallis7 (at) gatech (dot) edu
Will is a second-year Ph.D. student who received his B.S. from University of Maryland, College Park in Chemical Engineering. His interests include fabrication of wireless, flexible sensors for chemical and biologic applications. His hobbies include: video games, watching soccer, and listening to music. LinkedIn

Hani Al Jamal
Ph.D. Student
hjamal8 (at) gatech (dot) edu
Hani is a second-year Ph.D. student. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Applied Mathematics from the American University of Beirut (2022). His research interests include the use of additive manufacturing techniques in designing highly integrated and energy-efficient RF systems encompassing RF front-end circuits, antennas, and packaging. During his free time, he enjoys hiking, swimming, and playing the piano. LinkedIn

Marvin Joshi
Ph.D. Student
mjoshi5 (at) gatech (dot) edu
Marvin is a second-year Ph.D. student. He received his B.S (2020) and M.S. (2022) in Electrical Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His current research interests include microwave circuit design, radar signal processing and antenna design. His hobbies include hiking, as well as sports such as tennis and basketball. LinkedIn

Chenhao Hu
M.S. Student
chu87 (at) gatech (dot) edu
Chenhao (Howard) is a master student who received his B.S. degrees in Physics and Applied Math from Emory University, and Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology (2023). His research interests include the design and development of passive RF components and glass/ceramic-based system-on-package for mmWave and sub-THz applications. He is a student member of Georgia Tech’s 3D System Packaging Research Center (PRC). LinkedIn
Lab Alumni
Nathan Wille, M.S. (Summer 2024) – Northrop Grumman
Charles Lynch, Ph.D. (Fall 2023) – Apple
Madeline Holda, M.S. (Summer 2023) – MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Yepu Cui, Ph.D. (Summer 2022) – Apple
Ajibayo Adeyeye, Ph.D. (Summer 2022) – Apple
Aline Eid, Ph.D. (Fall 2021) – University of Michigan
Ali T. Alreshaid, Ph.D. (Fall 2021)
Eui Min Jung, Ph.D. (Fall 2021) – Powercast
Xuanke He, Ph.D. (Summer 2021) – Apple
Ryan Bahr, Ph.D. (Fall 2020) – Nano Dimension
Bijan Tehrani, Ph.D. (Fall 2020) – Analog Devices
Tong-Hong Lin, Ph.D. (Fall 2020) – Apple
Soyeon Jeong, Ph.D. (Spring 2020) – Qorvo
Syed A. Nauroze, Ph.D. (Fall 2019) – Amazon Lab126
Jimmy Hester, Ph.D. (Spring 2019) – Atheraxon
Wenjing Su, Ph.D. (Spring 2018) – Meta
John Kimionis, Ph.D. (Fall 2017) – Nokia Bell Labs
Jo Bito, Ph.D. (Summer 2017) – Atheraxon
Benjamin S. Cook, Ph.D. (Spring 2014) – Meta
Trang Thai, Ph.D. (Fall 2013) – Apple
ATHENA Lab Reunion at the 2024 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Washington, DC

Left to right (clockwise): John Kimonis, Jimmy Hester, Marvin Joshi, Kexin Hu, Chenhao Hu, Hani Al Jamal, Sangkil Kim, Bijan Tehrani, Aline Eid.
ATHENA Lab at the 2023 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), San Diego, CA

Left to right: Genaro Soto Valle, Lauryn Smith, Hani Al Jamal, Nathan Wille, Madeline Holda, Manos Tentzeris, Charles Lynch, Kexin Hu, I-Ting Chen, Will Callis, and Marvin Joshi.
ATHENA Lab at the 2022 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Denver, CO

Left to right: I-Ting Chen, Ajibayo Adeyeye, Charles Lynch, Genaro Soto Valle, Kexin Hu, Yepu Cui, Aline Eid, and Jimmy Hester.